I'm heading to D.C. for the weekend to spend a few days with my Montana sister, who is coming east for work next week. I'm leaving Clay at home in charge of the dogs, 16 in all, but just 15 after I deliver Radix back to Arlington tomorrow.
Speaking of Radix, his blood work came back and was generally good, no obvious signs of any major problem. I gave him a good dose of Happy Traveler this evening. It's a herbal combination that is supposed to help with generalized anxiety. It's marketed as a car sickness remedy, but it's anxiety that causes car sickness. I'm hoping it will help him relax a little more readily. I've had some dogs that are virtually knocked out by it, while others are completely unphased.

I had a major panic attack myself today when I couldn't find Radley. At some point I realized that I didn't remember feeding him, and when I went to do so, I couldn't find him. That is a nightmare that I've had on more than one occasion and I'm generally pretty vigilant, counting noses throughout the day and checking on everyone's whereabouts whenever I leave. Anyway, Radley wasn't far. I had taken him to the dog yard this morning and he apparently jumped the back gate into the pasture. He was back in that grove of trees where he had been last night. I don't know what was back there but he hadn't forgotten about it and went back to resume whatever it was he was doing. (I didn't really want to know.) He popped out of the bushes when I called and I walked him back indoors on a leash, where he stayed for the rest of the day.

In addition to the lab results on Radix, there is one other piece of very good news. Rex, the overly anxious juvenile tail chasing dog that I turned over to another foster home, has already been adopted. She spent a week with him, kept him busy, and he didn't do the tail chasing. The new foster exudes that calm, quiet energy that Cesar Milan is always going on about. That's not me, I yell, loudly and a lot, and expect everyone to fall into line. That's not what Rex needed and I'm prepared to admit that I was the problem, but actually I think it was this place more than anything else. Even when he was here he would be ok when he was indoors and things were quiet, particularly if he was alone or nearly alone. What he couldn't cope with was the excitement level, or stupid level, around here. There were too many dogs, too much stimulation, and not enough personal direction. The first report from his new home was sort of "so far, so good," and I hope that continues.
Awesome news about Rex!!! Yay! I hope it stays that way!
What great news about Rex!!! A happy ending on a Friday morning is always a good thing!
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