I'm going to start with this picture because it's pretty and if it's first then Facebook chooses it as the picture to associate with the link to this blog post. One day last summer I bought this Lotus blossom plant at the farmer's market in Charlottesville, the one and only time I went. It's a water plant and I put it into plastic barrell that looks like half of a whiskey barrell. It did well but I didn't do anything with in in the fall and didn't really expect it to come back. Maybe it was our mild winter, but it did come back, is growing nicely, and today it came into bloom. Very pretty.

Clay update: Friday we had an appointment with a hand surgeon early in the morning. The outcome was that the hand and wound area were still too swollen to really determine what, if anything, could or should be done. He referred us for therapy right away to address the swelling. Clay called and got an appointment for a couple hours later. We met with the therapist, who cleaned and bandaged the wound and prescribed some simple finger movement exercises. The wound looked better than it did Monday night, and looked better still when I changed the dressing and re-wrapped the mummy hand on Sunday. He sees the therapist twice this next week and then sees the doctor again the following Monday. The wound will heal, the real question is the extent and permanency of the nerve damage in the middle finger, currently it's rather numb.

Sunday morning I took Lana, Hank, Dixie, and Max up to a VGSR adoption event in Gainesville. I actually met and spoke with two potential adopters for Max that could be good for him. He was a neurotic mess when we arrived such that I had to hold him myself. After spending time with those two potential adopters I just put him back in the van and left it running with the AC on for the rest of the time I was there.

Dixie was good, but it wasn't her day. She just needs a more serious dog person than our average applicant. It was Lana's first adoption event and she was very good. A women with three little girls came by near the end who was interested in her. They have a pittie mix now and have had boxers in the past. We'll see if I hear from her. Hank had such a good time he didn't want to leave. When I took his leash to lead him back to the van he sat his butt down and refused to budge. It hasn't been a great week around here. He's a sweet boy, he's smart, and willing to learn and please. Here he is learning "down."
The dog on the left in the picture below is Neiko. He was one of my fosters from about four years ago. He is shown here with his recently adopted sister, Bailey. They came by today so that Bailey could be microchipped. Neiko looked great, but mostly he wanted to go home and I couldn't blame him.
No one sees all the cool bling I buy for my dogs' collars, and the dogs themselves aren't really properly impressed by it either. Here's the latest batch from my recent trip to D.C. The Great Seal and the Jefferson medallion came from the Jefferson Memorial. The blue triangle was from the Holocaust Museum. This was the symbol used for Jehovah's Witnesses, who were also persecuted by the Nazis. (They didn't have a pink triangle key chain or I would have bought that.) The D.C. dog tag on the far right was picked up at the MLK Memorial gift shop, I believe. The treble clef was from the Kennedy Center and it now graces Gigi's long, beautiful neck.
Wow. Sorry about Clay's hand! That must have been a nasty bite! Physical therapists can work wonders though. Hope his recovery is speedy.
Awesome to see my two on here!
I hope Clay heals quickly without any permanent damage! Paws crossed!
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