I didn't mean for my last post to sound all "gloom and doom." I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment and I do have a number of dogs that are tough to place, but that's pretty much the norm. Those who know me best (Clay and my family) don't pay too much attention to what I say, and that's probably good advice for readers of this blog. I expiate my feelings of frustration by writing about them, it's just how I cope. Pay it no mind.

I know that there are good adopters out there, and good people generally. If you are reading this you are most likely one of those (unless you are the Russian spammers who post comments advertising "nude celeb photos." That, by the way, is why I review and moderate comments to the blog before they are posted.)

Speaking of "good people," Radix (left) is likely going to stay with his foster home. Isn't he beautiful? He sure doesn't look his almost 10 years of age. He's coming back here on Saturday and I'll get him to the vet again next week while the foster is out of town, but he has fit in well where he is and we both realize that his adoption prospects may be limited. He is a lucky dog, his last years will be his best.

I talked to another foster home today, one that has placed several dogs for me in the past, and they've agreed to take in Max at the end of the month if he's not adopted before then. I guess I'm looking for someone else's evaluation of the dog and of an appropriate adopter for him. He will be in good hands.
I started planting my container garden today, very late in the season, I know, but that's the way things have been. While I was out there I snapped a few pictures of our hummingbirds. I love seeing them and I try to get the feeders out early in the year and keep them full.
We went over to Short Pump late this afternoon for dinner and my annual buying trip to Strange's Nursery. I now have enough, maybe more than enough, plants for my container garden and 16 tomato plants for my plot in the Fluvanna Community Garden. I hope to get everything in the ground by the end of the weekend.
Gigi is making herself very much at home around here. I think she is learning that I've got a soft spot for girl dogs and that she can get away with pretty much anything around here. But she's a good girl and really hasn't given us a moment's trouble, but she is tough to move out of bed when I want to get in there.
Happy dogs on the bed!
Great news for Radix! I know he will enjoy his golden years. Definitely looks like you may need a bigger bed ;)
Radix is beautiful so I am happy to hear he is going to a good home!
LOVE the pics of Gigi and her buddy in bed! It almost looks like they are saying "Do you mind?"! LOL Have a great weekend!!!!
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