Monday, March 11, 2013


Booty is great, even
Clay liked him and he
doesn't say that about
a lot of the foster dogs.
A woman met Herc and went inside and
bought him a Kong ball and a big treat.
He knows sit and down by both voice
and hand commands, and he does them!

On Sunday I took Booty, Hercules, Riley, and Barack to a VGSR adoption event up in Gainesville.  Booty went to a new foster home, which will be good for him.  It's a home that has one of my former foster dogs, Harley, so it's obviously a home I approve of.  Herc was good, Barack was good.  I held Riley myself because she's not a VGSR dog (she's a rottie) and it was her first adoption event.

She needs to go to someone who knows rotties.

Riley, working the crowd
Riley was good too.  She was very friendly with everyone.  I saw what I thought was a little too much excitement towards small dogs, which reminded me that she was found to be cat-aggressive when she was in the shelter.  A woman came by who was interested in her until I found out that she had two cats. 

It was mostly a pretty standard adoption event.  I hadn't been to one in quite a while and I was soon reminded how exhausting they can be, mostly because it was three hours on my feet and three hours of constant talking and being engaged with people.  That's a good thing for the intended purpose, it's why I go to them, but it's also exhausting.  We live a pretty quiet existence.  We live in the country, I work from home and don't talk much to anyone during the day.  Even in the evenings, Clay is pretty low-key and we talk, but we don't talk constantly just for the sake of talking.

Tigger gets a lot of love
in her new home.
Daisy is happy and playful at home
but shy and reserved in public
Two of my former fosters came by the event.  Lana is now named Tigger and her adopters brought her by.  They are great folks and are quite smitten with Miss Lana, who now shares her home peacefully with two cats.  It was great to see them and I got a hug from Tigger, who gives the best hugs.  She was happy and healthy and they are all in training together.

One of the Pyr/lab pups also came to visit.  Daisy was adopted by one of our volunteers, which always thrills me.  This particular volunteer now has two of my former fosters.  Daisy is very Pyr-like in that she's not overly social with strangers away from home.  She's better than she used to be out in public, but she seems to have gotten much more of the Pry personality than the lab.  Suffice it to say that I was happier to see her than she was to see me.

Trooper, prairie dogging
it at the dog yard fence
when I got home.

The other reunion I had at the adoption event was with an old friend, Trish, shown here in a photo I nabbed from her Facebook page.  (Still kicking myself for not taking a pic of her yesterday or getting someone to take one of both of us together.)  Trisha and I share a long history going back to earlier phases in our lives.  We've both moved on, but we share a bond of friendship that will always endure.  We've seen each other through good times and bad, really good and really bad.  If we have any secrets they are probably things that we hide from ourselves better than we can hide from each other.  I owe her more than you can imagine.   

Oh, I also tried to adopt a dog to her because I knew she had lost one a while back, but she's already got one.  It never hurts to try.

p.s., Maya update:  She's content in a crate and seems to enjoy being inside.  She must be exhausted after struggling every minute just to survive for the past month.  She will approach me sometimes and allow me to pet her, but she still moves away from me if I try to approach her. 


Anonymous said...

Love seeing Lana and knowing she has a happy home! I also think it looks like Maya is very much enjoying being inside! I'm so thankful for all that you do!!

patti h said...

So glad to hear Maya is not out on the streets anymore!! THANK YOU for not giving up on her! She looks in pretty good shape despite her adventures. I hope she learns to love a soft warm dog bed rather than the cold outside!