Gigi barfed in the bed or bedroom for three nights in a row, seeming to have a full stomach late at night although she had been fed only in the mornings. I stopped a couple supplements I had recently started and switched her to cooked chicken and rice only. No vomiting last night and she pooped today which told me that things were moving through at least. Still, I took her to the vet today. She was somewhat dehydrated and got fluids. And she had lost weight, which she didn't need to do. I'll continue the chicken and rice diet and with a dose of Pepsid for the next few days.

Her coat has never been really good and she had been licking herself again, which is why I had started her on Benedryl and fish oil. When she's back to digesting food normally I'll try her on coconut oil instead and maybe Zyrtec as an antihistamine. If her coat doesn't improve and the itching and licking continues, I'll need to try her on a different food.

Basically she's fine, but she's going to require a little extra pampering. She got her nails done while we were at the vet too.

Daphne was scheduled to check in at the camp and spa tomorrow morning, but the nasty weather started this afternoon so she met us at the vet's office and came with me today instead. She'll be here until next Wednesday. Toquima should be going back home tomorrow.

I've been exchanging emails with someone who is interested in Ochie but he's in Arlington and I'm not sure when we'll be able to meet. It sounds like a good prospect for Ochie.

No hikes today because of work, the vet visit, and the weather. Plus, my body needs a day off. I got on the scale at the vet's office and wasn't happy with the numbers that came up. It's time to give up diet soda again and see if that makes a difference. I've been reading stuff that says although it's zero calories, the artificial sweetener tricks the body into producing fat because it thinks it's the real thing. I had sworn off it when I dropped weight before and now I'm exercising more and not losing the weight so I'm looking for something to blame.
As you can see from the pictures, although Gigi isn't feeling her best, she still looks fabulous.
I sure hope Gigi gets to feeling better! She does look beautiful as always!
When my Ridgebacks did this the vet recommended feeding them twice a day. We started an AM and PM feeding and it stopped.
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