Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Trail's the Thing (The Education of Groot, Part 2)

Part 1 of the education of Groot was meeting the pack, which he did quite well. He still has a few rough edges, like all of them, but it's nothing our dogs can't handle. He's not bad, he's just young, energetic, and doesn't know any better. He's a teenager. He's been staying in the dog yard during the day and in the shed at night. He barks for about 10 minutes after I close him in there (with Max), but then settles down for the night. He's not ready for indoors because he's not ready to be crated. I've been closing him in a big crate in the shed to eat. The first time he just went nuts, spilled all his food and missed a meal. The next time he ate first and then went nuts. That's puppy progress.

Today I decided to take him out for one of my hikes. I put an Easy Walk harness on him and two leashes, one on his collar and one on his harness. He had been kept tied up outside before being dumped at the shelter, but he has obviously never been walked on a leash.

At Sparky's watering hole
He doesn't pull particularly bad, but he can't walk in a straight line. He has no real concept of the trail, I think, he just sees and smells what's immediately in front of him and reacts accordingly. He probably traveled twice the distance I did because he kept going back and forth. Emmylou was the best dog I ever had on the trails. She headed down a trail like she intended to get to the other end. If she had been off-leash I think she would have still stuck to the trail. Sparky is pretty good that way too. Groot, on the other hand, didn't even seem to realize that there was a trail.

I didn't really try to train him, I have my own agenda out there and I just keep moving forward, pulling him or running into him depending on where he was at any given moment. He will figure it out eventually, my arms got some exercise, and he had a good time anyway.
He's a good looking dog, whatever
went into the mix.

You can see here that his nose and face are rather
square or blocky. Not a pure bred shepherd,
but I'm not sure what else is in there.

I kept trying to get one of those
"knowing and noble" shepherd looks,
this was as close as I got.

He looks very shepherdy in this view of
the body from the rear.

A very shepherd look here.
Today's route, 5.03 miles

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