That is one good looking dog. |
I can rule out winter and summer easily. Winter is mud, short days, and long nights. Summer is hot, humid, and full of bugs. Spring is re-birth, new growth, spring flowers, and the promise of warm days to come. Spring is welcome and awaited. Everyone is happy when spring arrives. But spring is also a lot of work. The grass grows faster than I can cut it, and there's a million things to do all at once.
Fall is a breath of fresh air after a long, hot summer. The humidity is down so the sky is actually blue. The air is crisp, the breeze refreshing. The trees are never more beautiful. In the spring everything turns green, and we are glad to see it, but in the fall the leaves turn a variety of colors and they change gradually as if the sun is shining through a slow turning color wheel. There are chores to be done in the fall, but they lack the urgency that accompanies spring. There's time to enjoy the fall and that's what I've been doing.
Gigi was mad at me for making her walk yesterday and wouldn't cooperate with photos, whereas Sparky was happy to be out for a hike and was happy to pose for pictures too. |
He knows it's fall now too and he pulls harder and is setting a faster pace already.
Dolly is settling in nicely. She's met everyone now, including all the girls, and has been fine. She's good indoors and good in her crate. We are seeing the vet on Thursday afternoon and then we are going to meet someone who may be interested in her!
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