Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rainy Days

The last few days have been wet and have kept me mostly indoors. But here's a few pictures to share.

Former foster, Cooper, doing agility.
Cooper is the adoptive big brother to
another former foster, Teddy.

Clay has been out of town so the bed is
getting crowded.

Snuggle Trooper

Maya and Trooper

Gigi is the only dog with a reserved spot in bed.

When I went to Front Royal
with three dogs on Sunday,
Maya took this bottle from the
kitchen counter, brought it
upstairs, and opened it.
Child-proof isn't Maya-proof.
This is the collar that came on the new rottie.
The guy said it's a goat collar and he got it because
she would break anything else to get off the chain.

This is the new girl's new collar.
She's eating well, pooping normally,
seems sweet and easy so far.
Daphne is back with us for a week.
I'll need to grow two more hands for
all the petting needs around here.

The rain finally stopped Wednesday
afternoon. Maya and I got out for a walk.

It was so wet that we stuck to the roads and high
ground at Pleasant Grove, but got in 5 miles.

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