Thursday, February 22, 2018

Cooler again

We didn't walk on the hot days this week. Wednesday it hit 80 degrees and that's just stupid for this time of year. I had windows open, which is nice, but the dogs just laid around panting from the heat. We have used the window air conditioner unit in the bedroom for the last two nights. A 70 degree day is nice, but 80+ is ridiculous for February.

Today was significantly cooler, however, so TJ and Maya and I got out for three miles late this afternoon. The trails are muddy still, but we mostly walked on the road at the park. The wind had a definite nip to it and it felt good to be out in it.

I saw some green buds on some of the shrubs and undergrowth as we were walking today. Spring is coming.
This is too much coat for 80 degree weather.

Maya was looking towards the edge of the
woods; looking for deer.

TJ can still do five miles easily enough in cool weather, but
when it gets warmer I'll need to limit his walking.

TJ and Maya are an easy pair to walk. They don't get their
leashes tangled up on themselves or each other, they don't
pull (unless deer are spotted), and I don't have much concern
about encountering other people or dogs with them.


hammer1924 said...

You have not posted in a while! Hope the dogs are ok! You, too!

Brent said...

I’m out of town but will be back to posting more regularly at the end of next week.

hammer1924 said...

Ah. Good to hear! Poor Maya!