Most dogs around here are content to stay indoors on a rainy day. Not Della. Serena will go out the front door and run around to the back, ready to come in. Maya sees the rain, does her business, and will settle down to sleep the day away until the sun returns. I set about doing some indoor tasks that are perfect for a rainy day. But Della kept coming up to me and giving me "the look."
Me: It's rainy outside.
Della: I don't care. You need to take me outside.
Me: It's wet and muddy.
Della: I gave you 12 puppies.
Me: Just wait, it might stop later.
Della: Serena wants to go too. You need to take us. I want to do something fun.
Me: We'll all get wet and track mud into the house.
12 puppies.
Me: Ok, let's go.

It was Della, Serena, Theo, and the two fosters, Tank and Kami. There was a break in the rain, but still. The Danes don't get as wet as shepherds running over wet ground. They are higher off the ground, so the splash back doesn't soak the fur on their underbelly nearly as bad. With a shepherd, that fur on the under side just collects as much water as it can hold and then brings it back inside to leave a nice wet spot wherever they lay down for the rest of the day.
It was the first pasture run for Tank and Kami. They both enjoyed it, especially Kami, who has probably never had that degree of freedom to run and play.