It was a hot, humid, and wet weekend. I didn't get outside to walk until Monday. I just did a series of three short walks with three different pairs of dogs.
Serena and Pan were chomping at the bit, probably the most eager to go so they went first. Pan has really gotten into the walking routine around here and he likes it. He's gobbling up his cup of dry food and half a can of green beans twice a day. That's got to be lot fewer calories than his previous pizza diet, and combined with the walking, and his youthful metabolism, I expect the pounds will begin dropping off of him quickly. I wish I could say the same for me.

The second two miler today was the two Danish girls, Serena and Della. The two of them get along pretty well and I figured a walk together would help solidify their friendship. Della enjoyed the walk but the heat and humidity were intense out there around noon. We did the same two miles and actually took a bit of shortcut on the way back.
I'm pretty sure Della must have been an only dog. Her dog-on-dog skills aren't great but she's getting a crash course around here and she's doing better each day. She is bonded to me already, which has caused a couple problems with Maya. Della jumped into bed, making me think that she's done that before and that makes me think she must have been an only dog, because no one would likely have a Great Dane and another dog in bed at the same time.

I waited until early evening for the third walk, working it in between afternoon thunderstorms. I wanted to do a short one miler to bring my own total to five miles for the day. Trooper and Maya were the perfect pair for this walk. Both wanted to go. Trooper doesn't need more than a mile in this heat and it was the first time I've had Maya out hiking since whatever happened to her foot. She has still been licking it some, but it seems better and she's not limping or even favoring it anymore. Maya had seen me take other dogs out for walks earlier in the day and had expressed her disapproval by moving around a few items in the kitchen while we were gone. That was her way of saying that she was ready to go walking again.