Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Della is pregnant

I can't say that I'm really surprised. There were too many signs pointing to it to be surprised at the news that Della is pregnant with at least eight puppies gestating inside her. I took her to the vet this afternoon and the vet pretty much confirmed it with just a glance, but they also took some xrays.
On the way to the vet Tuesday afternoon.

No, I'm not overjoyed at the prospect of puppies. Yes, there is nothing cuter in this world than a puppy. But the world is not short of dogs already. Having puppies means that it will be months before Della can be spayed and ultimately adopted. It's not clear when she will be due. The xrays didn't show full development but she seemed to be producing some milk already, giving contrary signals as to a likely delivery date. And of course we don't know if the pups are healthy and there's plenty of room for doubt given the fact that we don't know anything about her level of care until she arrived here on Sunday. More xrays will be taken in a week to hopefully narrow down a due date. 

She climbed up on the bench in the lobby at the vet's office.
She may have been nervous but I was more so.
The other thing I hate is needing to move her to another foster home. She has really bonded with me but we are not set up to keep a dog with a newborn litter and I know next to nothing about how to help her should the need arise. And then there's the cost. Nothing involving a Great Dane is cheap. The rescue is going to take a hit, there's no doubt about it.

The good news here is that she was sweet with everyone at the vet's office, passing out kisses freely and letting them handle her for examination and xrays.

She weighed 121 pounds, more than I expected.

Looking up at me when we got the news.
She was sure happy to be leaving and
heading back home. She tried to climb
over the crates and join me in front.

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