Saturday, August 31, 2019

And then there was one

Duvel was adopted by friends and neighbors, Jan and Paul. We took him down the street to them on Friday evening and stayed for dinner. It was fun to see Duvel running around outside at their place and meeting their other boy, Chester. Duvel will do well to follow Chester's lead in most things because Chester is a very nice boy who loves his crate and will do anything for a treat.

We are very happy that Jan and Paul decided to adopt because they are great dog owners, and they live very nearby so I know we will see Duvel frequently. Allagash also lives down our road now, so we've doubled the number of Great Danes in the neighborhood.

Duvel handled the stairs, and everything else,
like an old pro. Everything is new but they've
already learned to handle a lot of new things
in their early puppyhood.
Jan and Paul went on the same beer tour to
Belgian that we took last spring. Of course we
celebrated and toasted Duvel's adoption properly.

Duvel is a sweet boy and he's really pretty laid back
for a puppy. I think he will fit in well.

Duvel was in his new home Friday night so it was just Guinness and Sierra sharing the bed in the shed. They seemed fine with that. Saturday morning Guinness's new family came to pick him up. They have four children and Guinness loves children so we have every reason to believe that it will be a good match. They have also been over to visit with Guinness and the other pups many evenings in the Della's Beer Garden over the past couple of weeks.

Guinness is approaching the size of being hard
to hold in your arms. But these pups all expect
to be held so the adopters will have to work
something out to accommodate that need.
Love always finds a way.

Killian and company came over this morning too. This is
Guinness and Killian side-by-side. It appears that Killian
isn't being fed enough.

The fourth child is learning to walk and will soon be fully ambulatory.
I'm not sure Guinness will ever get much sleep with four kids around,
but I know that he will love every sleep-deprived minute of it.

After Guinness went to his new home, I did some mowing in the pasture and got some dogs out to run and play. Everyone asks how Della is handling it, and I appreciate that, but she seems to be just fine. We think that this was not her first litter of pups (though it will be her last), so she's been through this part of it before too. She goes to the vet to be spayed next Wednesday, ending her career as a mother, but I think she went out with a bang.

That leaves us with just Sierra for the next few days, but don't feel bad for her. She has an excited and loving family waiting for her but they are out of town. Clay went out and sat with Sierra and held her this morning after everyone was gone and I was out mowing. Then Della and I went in to see her although she was really just wanting to sleep. Sierra will be getting plenty of one-on-one attention from Della and Clay and I over the next few days.

The pups never climbed up and over this A-frame as I had hoped, but they love sleeping under it
and running through it. Sierra took up a position in there today and Della tried to join her. 
She's still a good mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Goodness. Guiness is going to be a big boy!