Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Della's Spay Day

Starting out the day, early and energetic, even though she
didn't get fed this morning.
What a difference a "y" makes. A "spa day" would have been very nice and probably very welcome after three months of raising puppies. Instead, Della had a "spay day" and she isn't very happy about it this evening.
She hopped in the van, ready for an adventure.

It all went well and I expect she'll feel much better tomorrow, as soon as she gets some food and her pain killer in her. We saw her licking the incision so we tried putting a cone on her. That brought great unhappiness, a sad face and a tucked tail, but she soon got the cone off anyway. She's really tired and needs to sleep. I put her into Zeus's crate in the kitchen with her food and medicine, and hope that she'll sleep it off.

The real difficulty will come in a day or two when she is feeling good again and I won't let her out to run and play. Serena was in that boat recently and didn't understand it or like it one bit. If anything, Della will be even more difficult about it.

The vet's office wasn't the adventure she was hoping for, but
she was very good with everyone.
Della weighted 116 pounds today and I think
that's a good weight on her.

She let the vet hold her paw and eventually let her look in her mouth. She's got a broken canine
tooth that may need either a root canal or an extraction, but not today.



Coming out to meet me to go home.
About ready to head home.

Curled up and sleeping it off. We tried a cone but
it didn't go well and she got it off. Will try without it
for now anyway.

1 comment:

SketchGrowl Pet Portraits said...

That is an absolutely wonderful dog!