Tuesday, September 10, 2019

More mowing, more shepherds

Theo (with ball) and Max.
The blog has been rather Dane-centered for much of the summer. So here's another day of nothing but shepherds.

Zeus going through the tall grass.

The dry weather continues so I've continued mowing the last few days. The pasture grass had grown tall and that stuff takes at least two passes to get it cut because the mower just pushes it down and the blades don't get it all. I take the shepherds out with me to run while I ride. Theo thinks it's boring. Max thinks its about the most exciting thing ever. Zeus is doing great, sticking around with the others, making no attempt to get out.

Trooper came out today too. He's probably 11-12 years old now and not as active as he used to be, but he has always loved going out to the front fence, barking at neighbor dogs and people across the street, and chasing cars as they go up the road. We have about seven acres of pasture and that's all Trooper does. It drives me crazy. I don't think he's ever seen most of the property; he makes a beeline for the front fence and stays there until I call, or chase, him in. He doesn't do as much running now but he took up a position and watched, barked, and ran when he felt like it. He enjoyed it and I'm glad he felt good enough to do it.

Zeus scared up a rabbit who beat a hasty retreat into the brush pile. All the boys gave chase
and then spent some time circling the brush pile, to no avail.

Zeus is sticking around real well, being a member of the pack.

This is Trooper at the front fence. He spends all his time
out here, barking at passing cars, and really barking if the
neighbor's dogs come over.

Max in front, Zeus (left) and Trooper (rear)

This was the only shot I got with all four of them.
Max (front), Theo (left), Zeus (rear left) and Trooper (right)





I felt my phone ringing, so I turned off the mower and
took the call because I was expecting a call about
a lab I am going to meet tomorrow. That's how
Theo came to be standing this close to the mower.

Max, Zeus, and Theo heading back to the house.

Trooper bringing up the rear.

This is a satellite picture of our property from Google Maps.

1 comment:

Scott Rothe said...

Thanks for the map, Brent. I still had you down as a "RR1" dweller, so I had no idea where you lived in relation to Palmyra. That helps me picture the setting for your world. Now that I have this in my mind, would you mind taking in another (yet to be diagnosed as) pregnant great dane? Summer went by fast, so would Autumn. Besides, you and Clay could handle another brood of pups with one hand tied behind your backs!