Friday, October 18, 2019

A Day with Duvel

Duvel was with us for the day. I wasn't as entertaining as he might have hoped for because I had to work, but Della was here for him and we did get out for a walk in the afternoon (with Maya and Trooper) and then some pasture time with Della, Serena, and Theo.

Maya spotted a couple deer. Neither of the boys noticed.

No, Duvel, this is walk time, not playtime.

We went 1.8 miles and Trooper was leading the entire way.

This was the most contact that Theo has had with any of the pups. Della always chased him away
up to now and she was still a little suspicious. Theo was fine but he knew that Della was distrustful
and he wasn't about to cross her. She still ran him off once or twice. She is still the mama and
she is still prepared to protect her puppies.

This was the first time I've seen Duvel's tail assuming the
classic J-shape that is characteristic of Great Danes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Duvel is becoming a very handsome little man.