Sunday, March 22, 2020

Canine Poker, a Full House

Serena doesn't fetch but she does like to carry and chew
on the big red balls.

The ball with the rope through it is best.
I gives me something to grab so I can throw it.

Della and Serena
A rare moment when Max is not carrying something.
He's looking for something to carry.

Serena, Della, and Theo

Leo, coming through a break in the trees.

Look at the feathers on Leo's tail.

Here's the full house, three shepherds, two Danes.

I can also put together four of a kind in shepherds by adding Trooper.
You notice Della is just standing, that's because the world revolves around her. 

Della with the puppy, Leo
Trying to mount Della was not Leo's best idea.

She put a stop to it.

But she was also very tolerant of him.
He just doesn't know better.

This was Leo's first time in the pasture.

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