Beautiful, sunny day, in spite of the strong and chilly wind. I took Della and Theo. They are a good pair, but both have the ability to be strong pullers. My back got tired and I put the short lead on Della's gentle leader for the last mile for so to take the pressure off. They were good together but a real handful when we spotted deer. We covered 4.32 miles.
Another beautiful, sunny, breezy day. I took Della and Pinky. Those two have about the highest "need" for the walks of any that I have around here now. It used to be that I had to always take Maya, plus another dog. But Maya's 7-8 years old now and not as insistent on going absolutely every time. Della has become the dog that I leave behind at my peril. Pinky is just beginning her life of freedom and she really loves the walks. We covered four miles on some the most hilly terrain on the trail system. I was tired when it was over but the two girls could have done it again easily.
Beautiful, warm day, sunny sky, no wind, felt like spring. I took Pinky again, with Maya this time since I hadn't walked with her for the last two days. Della isn't easy to leave behind, but I can put her in a crate and know that she'll be there when I return. Any new dog benefits from walking with Maya even if the results are not immediately obvious. Pinky saw her first horse on the trail this day and didn't react badly at all. I pulled both girls a good 20' off the trail to let the rider pass. She said her horse was bomb proof and indeed he was. Pinky didn't even bark. I dread the day we encounter horses with Della is with me.
Maya and Pinky are about the same size. Pinky is putting on some weight but Maya still have a few pounds on her. We did four miles and I was still feeling pretty good at the end of it.
Yet another beautiful day, 70+ degrees, definite spring-like feel in the air. I took Maya again and Serena this time. Serena was very excited about going and I feel bad that I don't take her more often, but she's not as insistent about it as Della is and I'm still not quite ready to walk both Danes together.
We did five miles on mostly easy terrain. I think that was enough to hold Maya for a couple days.
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