Friday, March 6, 2020

Brutus the Mellow Fellow

Brutus is a very chill dog. It's the mastiff in him, and there's quite a bit of it. When he first got here he romped and played a bit in the yard because he hadn't had the opportunity to do that for the past couple of months when he was undergoing treatment for heart worms. He seems to have gotten that out of his system now and he's just a very laid back dog. Outside he will walk around and mark trees and such, but he hasn't done it in the house.

I gave him a little outdoor time this morning but then brought him inside for the day. He took up a position on the big double beds in the kitchen and barely moved from it. Late morning I took him over to meet the Procter family circus. Erika worked with him a bit on "sit" but it was clear that he was starting from scratch on the obedience. He also met all her kids, and was unflappable in the face of screaming, running, bike riding, and all the stuff that goes along with kids. He met Catdog and showed absolutely no interest after getting to sniff the small creature. Erika put a Gentle Leader on him and he didn't fuss or fight it at all. Then everyone from Erika to her kids to her mother was able to walk him with ease.

All the activity tired him out and he finally came over to me, laid down, and waited until I opened the van so he could hop in for our trip home.

This is Brutus in his natural element.

Outside, off leash, with Theo

Brindle is the best all season camouflage. 

I dropped his leash as soon as we arrived.
No concern about this guy running off.
Erika trying to get a selfie with Brutus.

Brutus loves a belly rub, doesn't care about Catdog.

Ready to go home.

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