Saturday, March 21, 2020

"Exiled for the good of the realm" (or Coping with Covid-19)

I have to say that the great shut down has affected me less than most. I work from home anyway. Most of my friends are dogs. I often go three or four days at a time without going any farther than Pleasant Grove to hike. Clay still has his job, at least for now. His weekend gig driving the beer tour bus is on hiatus but that's not what fills the food bowls around here anyway. The only thing we've really had to give up is our once weekly outings to a brewery or two. We have plenty of food, dog food, and toilet paper. Assuming we don't get sick, we're really pretty lucky.

Although we can't go to anything, it doesn't mean that we have to live as shut-ins around here. The longer days and lack of anything else to do means that I'm getting more hiking in. That makes the dogs happy and that's really what we live for, isn't it? Of course, mowing season is about to begin, so that will compete for some of the spare time.

I got up the nerve to walk Della and Serena together again. It went very well. The Gentle Leaders work wonders when it comes to controlling two large dogs.

3.4 miles with Della and Serena

Saturday was cloudy and cooler, but that's fine hiking weather. Maya and Della and I had a nice hike. The virus has brought out a new crop of walkers, some with dogs. It's nice that more people are spending more time and getting out with their dogs. I'm sure the dogs love it.

2.6 miles

Leo and Theo were both anxious to get out on the trails again too. We went into the woods on trails that don't get as much use although I'm not particularly concerned about these two with other dogs. They made a couple of deer spottings but didn't go crazy.

He's beginning to have some moments at least when he
looks like a proper German Shepherd Dog.

4.25 miles

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Sounds like your pups are just as happy as mine with us all being home. :-)