Monday, June 8, 2020


His name is Journey, which is also his life's story. Purchased from a puppy mill, never properly raised by humans, disappeared at about four months of age, found again many months later with his puppy collar now embedded in his neck, surgery, skin conditions treated, and adopted only to be returned.

He's not the least bit aggressive, but it seems that he just has no use for people, and I can't really say that I blame him. Having people in your life is only possible if you're able to screen out the many losers and assholes. Unfortunately, dogs aren't given that option and must depend on a person to do that for them. When the first person in your life is a puppy mill owner or a backyard breeder just out to make a buck, the odds are not in the dog's favor.

All he's ever known is being on his own and given the option that's the way he would continue. It's now up to us to convince him that at least some people are good and will make good choices on his behalf. He's an escape artist, although the mastiff's escape technique is less artistry and more a matter of just putting your head to something and pushing through. He will be "leash walk only" for quite some time, maybe forever.

He's now with Green Dogs Unleashed and he's here because I saw his story on Facebook the night before last and volunteered to take him in. I used to buy cleaning products on late-night infomercials. I seemed to be susceptible to their siren's song promising a clean house at that time of night. Apparently I'm the same way with dogs, who knew?


Anonymous said...

Lucky boy. People are horrible.
Good luck to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Puppy mill owners and backyard breeders just out to make a buck rank down there with Congress Criminals and politicians in general. Scum of the Earth ranks much higher than ANY of them.

Glad he's found a place to relax and enjoy.

Kelly Erb said...

I sent a pm about adopting Journey. Could someone please contact me?

Unknown said...

Thank you man. Ive been following this big man's story and a few others, and it means the world that you took him in. I'm in a place with 5 cats rn so i couldn't, but I try to spread these lil babies stories because they really deserve the love some people have to offer. Thank you for taking the chance on him, I believe you'll change his life and that tail will be wagging uncontrollably in a week. You can see the love in his eyes, thank you for taking him in. Every dog deserves a chance.

Sam K. said...

I would love to show Journey that now all people are bad. Let me know when you're ready for visitors

jeannep70 said...


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for all you do for the needy ones. I look forward to updates on this beautiful creature. Live well Journey

Ciggy said...

Brent- this is such a great post and awesome rescue story. Please give Journey some love for us.

-Anthony & Sean

mmmmgood said...

Journey's story makes my heart hurt. I'm so grateful you are susceptible to late-night infomercials.

Byron's Mom said...

I'm so thankful he's with you. He will learn love again because he's with you.