Saturday, June 6, 2020

Puppy Pleasures

Two of the six-month old Troopers have moved to other foster homes, and I anticipate the last two will do the same pretty soon. I brought one of the twin Troopers indoors last night because he was still limping as a result of a fight a few days before. He needs crate rest it seems and already this morning he seemed to be doing better on that leg. After all the Troopers have been fostered out I'll bring daddy Bruno in, after another bath.

The little bear cub puppies are doing well. One of them didn't show any weight gain yesterday so I spent a good part of the evening in the shed with them and Luna. I got Luna to lay down and put that little one on a big, milk-filled nipple and she went to town on it until passing out in a milk-drunk slumber. The heat and humidity are awful, but the two window units in that shed are keeping it very comfortable in there, at least so far.

These are some pictures I took yesterday evening.

After weighing the little ones I put them onto Luna's bed
while I changed the towels and cleaned out the wading pool.
They don't make as big a pile as the 12 Dane
pups did, but they growing

This little one has an awareness of me outside the pool.
I bet he will be the first one out of it.
Luna continues to take good care of them, but
she allows me to handle them too.

I noticed that she had more milk on one side of her body
than the other. Here she's laying down to give access to the
"fuller" side and the little pup is taking full advantage of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These little ones are getting the best start in life, just like Della's dozen. Dog bless you.