Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Dog Play

Here's just a few pictures of dogs in the pasture. I've been lazy and am not getting out to hike, and I justify it by telling myself I can give more dogs more exercise with a pasture run than I can taking just two dogs on a hike. 

I'm not any kind of expert on show quality Great Danes, but I've always thought that
Serena has a really nicely shaped head and a body with good conformation. 
It's pleasing to me anyway, and Della loves her.

This picture of Max with a stick shows the slope of the lower pasture quite well. 

Theo the Great

Autumn colors are perfect for Max's fur.

Theo and Della

Della's beauty lies in her striking colors, her athleticism, and her personality.

A harlequin Dane has no natural camouflage that I can think of. 

1 comment:

Cynthia Maxwell Curtin said...

Beautiful pictures...and given what you have moved through in the last few months, you are not being lazy. You are recharging your batteries.