Saturday, November 14, 2020

Dog Day Saturday Afternoon

The dogs don't share my lack of motivation and I feel guilty if they don't get out just because I don't feel like it. So we got out so they could enjoy the day at least. I took the two Danes and two shepherds to the pasture. It's still quite wet but I got one mower out and drove around, and even cut a little of the tall grass in the lower pasture that we had allowed to go to seed at the end of the summer. I threw the ball for Theo, Della and Serena played with each other, Max did his own thing but stuck around near us anyway.

Later I took Maya and Sam(antha) out to Daneland where Journey and Bessie spend the days. Della soon jumped out of the dog yard so I let her in as well. Della has a bad case of FOMO (fear of missing out). Maya spent the time checking out the area and marking it appropriately. Sam sticks really close to me because she's intimidated by the other dogs. I know that Journey is big, but he's really as soft and gentle as a marshmallow and he was trying his best to get her to play chase with him. 

Mid-afternoon I took Sam over to Green Dogs where she met chickens, goats, and children. She loves kids, didn't react much to the goats, and really wanted to chase and/or eat the chickens. She played frisbee with Finn and got herself tired out. Her hunger strike only lasted for one meal, yesterday evening. She ate this morning and again this evening, but left enough food in the bowl for Serena to clean up. Tomorrow I'll get Sam to meet a cat, maybe Bessie too.  

I need to get a second one of these balls. Theo doesn't really want to play tug,
but he didn't want to give up the ball. 

This is Della about to pounce on Serena.

I never tire of watching these two play.

Bessie and Journey were both laying on this platform enjoying the sun this morning.

Sam and Bessie

Journey tried so hard to play with her. They started a couple times but then she
would get scared and yelp, stopping the play, even though he hadn't even touched her.
She's just a puppy still in many ways and needs to learn to play with other dogs.
She came from a breeder, and I'm guessing that a couple more weeks with her 
birth litter might have taught her more dog-on-dog social skills that she's lacking now.

Bessie has that great rottie smile.

I threw a frisbee for Sam, she ran for it and Journey tried to join in.

Sam playing with Finn. 

We have a slightly smaller version of this ball that Jack used to play with. We called the game
Rottweiler Ball. He didn't want or need any other dog or person to be involved, but he did like
to have an audience while he played. No one has played with it since Jack but it's still in the dog yard.
I'll get it out for Sam to play with tomorrow.

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