Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Winston is headed to a beach home tonight. They drove up from Virginia Beach along with their current, small, dog. There was great pandemonium in Daneland as I tried to extract Winston while leaving Kismet and Chase in place. It was easier when the small dog was out of sight but I was reminded why I don't normally do dog meetings at our house. I had even put the two shepherds into the shed because their barking always raises the tension and stupid level. I had put Della and Serena in crates in my office and shut Maya and Arby behind doors away from windows. It went well once I got Winston out to the pasture by himself and then brought the small dog out to meet him and him alone. Winston checked it out thoroughly but then pretty much ignored the smaller dog. The little one was used to playing with a Saint Bernard mix, so I expect they will work out an odd couple relationship. 

I didn't get pictures except one after Winston was loaded up and ready to go. He will be a well-cared for and spoiled dog, I'm sure.

Earlier in the day I got Della and Serena out for a two mile walk. That is all. 

I would call this one "I got your back, sister." And they truly do.

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