Thursday, December 30, 2021

Dreary day

When the day is dreary it's difficult to have a mood that isn't the same. The dogs seemed to feel the same way, except Hugo, whose happiness is only defined by the number of discs throws in a day and how long it's been since the last one.

But it wasn't cold and it wasn't really even raining, so I did take most of the dogs out to the pasture for some exercise. Hugo is supposed to go to his new home on Saturday. I'm going to attempt to give him a bath tomorrow, so if there are no more blog posts you'll know that I didn't survive.

Declan wasn't invited to run with us today. He's recovering from surgery and I'm really trying to keep him quiet because I don't want to deal with his supersized scrotum swelling up.

Della and Serena facing off, one of them will break into a run and the other will join in pursuit.

Max, in a rare moment with nothing in his mouth.

River will now run towards me like I'm his long lost best friend.
He's not fond of Hugo, however, because Hugo tries to run him off if he comes near me.

Front to back: Hugo, Max, and River

I started feeding River some satin balls I had in the freezer, but I may have overloaded
his system because he has barfed a couple times in the last two days. 

Running to the front fence, hoping someone is out across the street to bark at.

I should have taken River out for a beer today. Maybe tomorrow.

Della joined me in bed this morning. We should have just stayed there.

Maya takes Clay's spot.

Fortunately, Serena stays on her own bed.

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