Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Delvis Christmas walk

It was another beautiful day so I took a break in the middle of the day and went out for a walk with Delvis, the team of Della and Elvis. He knew what I was up to and he obviously wanted to go along because he refused to come back in with the others when Della was still outside. That's fine, they are an easy pair to walk. I did the same easy two mile route on the gravel road through the park, working on re-building my stamina while giving the wooded trails a chance to dry off from the rain we had on Sunday. 

There were several new inflatable Christmas decorations up today. Della was still unconcerned, as was Elvis, but we all noticed that many of them need some better tie-downs installed to keep them upright, and if we get any kind of wind I think they will be scattered all over the park. I'm not sure when this display is supposed to "open," probably this weekend I would guess, so they have a few more days to make some improvements.

We had a good walk once again. Both dogs were happy to get out there again.

This particular tree is a "must sniff" every time we pass it. Della stopped as we were approaching it and told me, in no uncertain terms, that we were going to be stopping here and having a good long sniff.
And we did, and the tree next to it, but I said "no" when she wanted to keep moving on down to inspect the entire tree line.

These things need better guy lines.

When we got home I let all the other dogs out of the house and opened the date to the pasture. Several of them ran out there initially, but only Elvis, Maya, and Bailey took up the hunt. It was a nice day so I left them to it and the rest of the dogs came back in with me and I went back to work. I went downstairs about an hour later to see if any of them had come back from the pasture and found Bailey on the back porch, proudly displaying a dead rat she had apparently stalked and killed out in the pasture. I scooped it up and disposed of it after congratulating her properly. 

Bailey immediately goes into hunting mode but she doesn't seem to realize that you have to first locate the prey by sight, sound, or smell, before pouncing on it. She wants to skip directly to the fun part. I'm pretty sure that Elvis and Maya do all of the locating.

Maya is nearly as dedicated to the hunt as is Elvis.

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