Thursday, February 27, 2025

Walking with Ted

I'm not sure how much he weighs, but I'm pretty sure that Ted is beginning to put on some much needed weight. He should be, he's eating more than anyone around here. Actually I wish I could just directly transfer some of my weight to him. He's still very lean but I think he's beginning to smooth out a bit. He's putting on muscle to cover his bony parts anyway. 

I took Ted for a walk today. I think it was our first. He wasn't bad but he had a tendency to lead and to wander off to the right instead of staying to the left. That was better in the second mile of the two mile route today. He would look at me whenever I called his name and got rewarded with a treat stuffed in his mouth. 

He's great at home. Although he does come out of the dog yard (we're not sure where or how), he never tries to run off. He's very good in his crate and his excited spinning and screaming is getting rarer each day. Ted likes to be inside and he prefers the bed at my feet under my desk but he will go into his crate when I ask. He's a pretty easy dog.

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