I've been treating Patch for over a week now and decided it was time for a vet visit. She pretty much confirmed what I had been doing, and we did some blood work so we could add an anti-fungal medication to help clear up the yeast infection on his skin.

He got a rabies vaccine but the other vaccines had been done at the shelter. The blood work was surprisingly good, but it showed he was anemic, probably from the severe flea infestation he had. He had gained a couple pounds since he left the shelter, but not as much as I had hoped or expected given the amount of food he's been consuming. I got three weeks worth of an antibiotic and I'm going to order some Revolution from an online pharmacy (vet doesn't stock it) to cover fleas, possible scabies, and other parasites. He needs a couple baths each week. I'll do another one tomorrow.

He was good with the vet and was cooperative with everything, which is good because I foresee a lot of vet visits in his future. He has an undescended testicle which will need to come out after he's a bit stronger (and after I've gotten a few of the other fosters moved out of my house). He's got a long road in front of him, but we are underway.
Hey--did you get the notice I donated to Va GSR in your name for Patch?
I may not have gotten the notice yet, but I will. I have gotten a couple notices in email but I haven't acknowledged them yet. Thank you in any event. I really appreciate it. If he doesn't have any hair by winter you may need to knit him a sweater.
I'm so glad Patch is with you. He really has such soulful eyes. They have hope and that is because of you!
Lucky Patch to have landed with you.
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