He got a couple vaccines boostered and we scheduled his neuter for next Tuesday. We got three more weeks worth of antibiotics just for good measure. He will continue on the anti-fungal medication as well. I've also been giving him a daily dose of Loratadine (generic for Claritin), and that seems to be calming down the redness in his feet, which is probably an allergic reaction. I'm also transitioning him over to a grain-free food based on the reasonable hunch of a food allergy. So, all things considered, he's doing well, certainly moving in the right direction anyway.
That undescended testicle retained in his body is thought to be the cause of a lot of his problems. Hopefully the surgeon will find it and remove it without too much trouble next week. He will be moving indoors after his next bath in preparation for the surgery and post-op recovery, and the eventual transition to a new home.
He was as charming as ever, working his magic for treats and affection as always.
1 comment:
I love the way he looks at people and the world. He's got "old soul" eyes but always looks ready to love!
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