Patch somehow tested negative for heartworm and aside from the skin infection didn't seem to have anything major wrong with him. Once we got a little weight on him and got most of the infection cleared up, he went in to be neutered. He had only on descended testicle and they never could find another. What they found instead was what appeared to be a partially developed, but non-functioning uterus. Patch was inter-sexed, special in a way that we hadn't ever imagined.
Patch was adopted to a friend and fellow rescuer, who sent this picture soon after he was adopted and settled into his new home. He looks a lot better and even his rat-like tail was finally growing hair.
Patch's new home runs a rescue operation for senior dogs and Patch has assumed the role of guardian, mediator, and supervisor for all the older, and mostly smaller, dogs. They love him. The difference in his appearance from just a few months is remarkable. He has blossomed into a beautiful and quite regal German Shepherd Dog. He has a thick, luxurious coat, no bald spots that I can see, and look at that tail! What a difference a home makes.
What a difference!! Nobody would even recognize him!
I can't tell you how much I love this blog and how thankful I am for all that you do for these fur babies. Seeing these updated pictures of Patch just prove how important a good home is! God bless you for all that you do. Thank you for making a difference for all these fur babies.
That is absolutely awesome. He looks so happy... Great job to both you and Patch's new family...
Patch looks awesome! Maybe he brings the postive attributes of both male and female to the table in his role as guardian and mediator! :o) Good job all!!
You do great work! Keep it up for all the GSDs and other rescues you help.
Makes my Day !!!
I had the privilege of meeting Patch a few times, and he is a special boy. I love seeing the follow up pic, and that he is doing so well..he certainly deserves all of the love and joy he is receiving.
Holy Cow! He's just as gorgeous on the outside now as he's always been on the inside. It's such a beautiful story, the story of his rescue and his new life.
You do so much for the animals and you've changed Patch so much he looks so healthy.
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