Friday, June 22, 2018

Better than nothing

I sat at my desk all day because I had to work and it really wasn't a very inviting day to go outdoors. My legs were sore from lack of exercise over the past couple of days and the dogs were bored. I finally leashed up Maya and TJ and we went for our road walk at Pleasant Grove.
Did you know that Maya is up to 73 pounds?
She's very solid, but also getting a tad chunky.
We will try to get more exercise and I can watch
her food intake. I just wish someone was watching mine.

It was what we needed and I should have started earlier and taken a couple of the other dogs as well. The road walking is boring and we only did three miles but it's better than not walking at all and at least I didn't pick up any ticks.

These pics were taken at the new barn structure that is going to
be a farm museum, opening in August, I believe.

At least it was cool enough this evening that
TJ had no trouble keeping up for three miles.

TJ's footprint in red clay.

Some daylilies just outside the community garden.

TJ and Maya in the van after the hike.

The Rivanna river has once again left the confines of its banks.
It's not as high as last time, but I don't think it's crested yet.
Last time where I was standing and where my van was parked
was under a couple feet of water. 

There is another 25' of boat ramp beyond the
trees that is now submerged. This is a zoom
shot trying to show how fast the river is running.
I left the dogs in the car, it was scary just to see.

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