Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dog Washing

Maya was licking herself like crazy today so she went first.
I found a lot of very tiny little ticks on her.
It's time for a round of baths followed by another round of flea and tick treatment.
Maya was pretty good, of course.

Sparky was good about the bath, maybe a little too good.
He laid down which made it tough to wash the far side of the
dog. He was losing a lot of fur, more than I realized.

He was really good when it came time to get
out, though. He stood with his front paws on
the edge of the tub to let the water drain off.

Mercedes probably hasn't had many baths in
her life, but she was fairly good once I got her
in the tub. 

I think she had a bath before she came to me so she wasn't
really dirty, but I used some shampoo that I hope will help
the dry, scaly skin on her rear end. She's also getting fish oil
capsules with her food, another nutrition supplement, and
this evening, a fresh raw egg.

I washed Rugger outdoors, which means
playing the water game with the hose. I soaped
him up with the medicated shampoo and then
left it on for a while while he played with the
After eventually rinsing off the shampoo I
sprayed his belly with the smelly sulphur dip
and left him in the dog yard for a while to dry.

Trooper was the only dog I washed on my raised
platform washing station today, but I'll use it for
Max and Theo tomorrow and then it will go back
to holding my canoe.
Trooper wasn't particularly dirty or smelly by our standards,
but he is blowing his coat and the water helps to pull at lot of
it off of him. I will follow it up with a lot of brushing over the
next few day.

We actually got through an afternoon without rain, but there
was still enough moisture in the air to produce this rainbow
against the mostly blue sky over Zion Crossroads this evening.

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