Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Meeting Felix

This afternoon I took Hunter and Indigo up the street to meet Felix and his folks. The dogs got along fine as I knew they would. Felix is a sweet boy and these two Danes have never had a problem with any of my dogs or any others they've met.

Their yard is fenced so I could turn them loose and let them explore on their own. They are sufficiently bonded to and trusting of me that I no longer have concerns about them running off and not being able to get them back. We took a walk through the woods, which was new to them. What was really good was that both dogs approached both Jan and Paul on their own for some petting and attention. I was really glad to see that. I thought Hunter would, but Indy did so as well. She's still skittish and you can't make any sudden moves around her, but she's coming around and I think will continue to do so.

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