Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Catching Up

Four pups on a bed.
Here are a few pics taken in the last few days that I haven't posted yet. You can't save puppy pics for long because they are growing so fast that it will be obvious that they are old in just a few days.

Peroni in Clay's lap.
I've been trying to catch up on a lot of things lately, but it seems like I'm running in place and not making any forward progress.

This was the scene in our backyard Sunday morning. Several prospective adopting families
came over to meet puppies.

Ears in motion.

Serena and Maya at the vet on Monday.
Notice Maya's foot on top of mine.

Maya's anxiety was through the roof and
Serena picked up on it.

It was Serena's appointment just for annual
exam and vaccines. Maya just had a small
growth on her head looked at.

Serena had a tear in her skin that
got stapled up too. Della and Serena
had a run-in over garbage of all things.
The two girls are best friends, but Serena
is now on activity restriction till this heals.
Chimay learned to climb into this chair on her
own, and now it's her chair. The "learning" was
mostly a function of her legs growing.

Here's another door opening video from today.

A small wading pool was added today, but mostly they are
just drinking out of it for now. One pup grabbed the hose
and pulled it out, a particularly annoying bit of canine mischief.

More of the pups are testing their climbing
skills on the pile of firewood.

I put the pups back into the shed a little early this afternoon because it was hot and I needed to work.
Although they had been just laying around outside, when they came into the air conditioning they
got lively again and had a pretty robust play session indoors. Unfortunately, that involves shredding
up the newspaper and pads, so I had a bigger than usual clean up job in the evening.


Claire said...

The "ears in motion" photo is super cute! They are getting so tall! Wow! It's always fun to see them race out of the shed. I hope that your other dogs and Della are doing well. Thanks again for the update. We look forward to them everyday.

Byron's Mom said...

I can't even tell you how happy seeing all these healthy pups makes me! I can't get over their size!!

I hope Maya is ok! Hope the results are good!