Dobby is a big dog, but since he arrived here he's been eating like a small dog. I think I finally fixed that today.
I had two bags of food supplements that I had got in a gift bag from The Animal Connection's anniversary a while back. I wasn't sure what to do with it because we don't have a problem with dogs not eating around here normally. I stuffed it up on a shelf figuring that I'd need it sometime, and I did.

I don't know if it's the new location, new food, or what, but Dobby just wasn't eating very well. I sprinkled some of the Magical Dinner Dust over his food, and a threw in a handful of the Digestive Boost Dinner Morsels, and he really went to town on it today.
I put Hammer out in Daneland with him again, it really seems to comfort him to have some company. I've discovered that it's easy to lead him in at night just by shining a flashlight at the ground in front of him. He can see the light and he follows it. He's learning his way around Daneland and at least in and out of the house. He's a wonderful dog, extremely trusting and loyal. He will make a great companion for someone.

Maya has been out of the walking rotation lately because she's got a sore foot. She's licking it excessively, between two toes on her left front foot. She had this problem once before. I took her to the vet then and no one could really find anything wrong with it. I'm not sure what we did for it either, but it got better. I tried soaking her foot in a betadine solution this evening. That wasn't particularly successful, but I've got several bottles of spray stuff too and I'm going to give that a try for a few days before rushing to the vet. She's not limping on it around the house, but if we walk out to the gravel driveway you can tell she definitely favors it.

Della and Serena have become a really adorable couple. |
They are about as cute together as Maya and Trooper. |
Maya has been moving into the Danish girls' sleeping space lately. Not all the time, but enough to assert her right to do so. So far at least, it's all been fine. |