Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Buster goes home

If the count of those with four legs and tails wasn't quite so high around here, Buster would have been a prime candidate for a foster fail. "Foster failure" is a term for the foster home's failure, not that of the dog. It's what we call it when the foster home fails to adopt out the dog and instead adopts the dog itself. That's not a bad thing, the dog gets a good home, but it often results in the foster home dropping out of the rescue world because they then have another dog of their own. That wasn't likely to happen with us, but we already have six permanent residents here, and besides, we mostly adopt the misfits who can't otherwise be adopted. 

All of that is a long-winded way of saying that we loved Buster and would have welcomed him here forever, but he was a very adoptable dog and he got adopted today. 

The man drove up here from Tidewater area this morning along with his teenage son, who didn't know the real purpose for the trip until just before they arrived. There was a daughter waiting at home who also didn't know so I'm sure they had a wonderful surprise homecoming. Buster liked them both, gave them hugs and kisses. I'm sure he wondered why I left without him, and it hurt me to do so, but I'm confident that Buster will be happy, cared for, and loved. And he won't have to share that with 10 or 11 other dogs like he did around here. 

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

This makes my heart happy! Yay for Buster!