Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Odds and ends, mostly odds

First it was 90, then 95, today we hit 97 degrees. Hot days mean that I don't do much outside, although I ended up spending most of the late afternoon and evening outdoors with Della today. I had a functioning mower again and lots of grass to cut and just mowing is not exactly strenuous activity. Of course, I can never do just one thing because that thing leads to another, and another, and soon it's nearly dark and I've done far more than I had intended to do when I first started "just mowing." I needed the exercise though, it will help me sleep. 

Evening light shining through the leaves of my lotus flower.
I really hope this blooms like it did last year.

I've had this little fountain for years, it's one of my favorites. The birds like it too. 
It's not unusual to see one land on one of the little saucers to drink or splash.

My slate project is slowly progressing. I'm in no hurry with it 
and I can only handle the stones about every other day.

Serena and Della

Serena sleeps compactly; Della sprawls.

Pretty sky and clouds just before dark this evening.

Nemo is weird. He will now come down the stairs pretty well,
but he's afraid to go up. This series of pictures show Nemo coming up the stairs, backwards.

I should have shot it as a video. 

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