Thursday, July 1, 2021

Nemo the backwards shepherd

Nemo is having a rough go around here. He came on Sunday and he went in to be neutered on Monday. His scrotum swelled up the same day he came home so he's been carrying that around. I started him on antibiotics and he's taking an anti-inflammatory drug as well. He started hanging out with Clay downstairs in the front room because he doesn't like to do the stairs. But Arby didn't like him being in there and they got into a tiff of sorts over proximity to Clay. Last night he showed us his thunderstorm anxiety, broke out of his crate in the office about 2:00 a.m. this morning and had me up for a while during the night. The meds help but he still wants a person nearby. But I didn't think that bringing him into the bedroom was a good idea because Arby wouldn't want him on Clay's side of the room and Della certainly wouldn't want him on mine. He's pretty easy going for the most part and is content in the crate in my office during the day. I wish I could give him more outdoor time and take him to the pasture to run or go for a hike but now we've got to wait for the swollen scrotum to resolve. It's not ideal, but it's a temporary phase that we all need to get though. I still think he's a nice dog, but he's a shepherd and he may well require a shepherd person. 

His method of walking up the stairs does provide some comic relief anyway. It's strange, he goes down perfectly fine now and that's the direction that is difficult for most dogs to learn. And he has gone up normally, when I've had him on a leash and dragged him to get him started, and once last night when he just wanted to be very close to me and he just ran up without thinking about it.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Awww! Watching him go up the stairs! Poor guy! He will learn fast with you so that is a great thing:-)