Thursday, November 18, 2021

Allison's night out

It's rare that I'm not still working in the evenings, and although I wasn't tonight, Clay was. The weather turned windy late this afternoon and a front was coming through threatening rain. All the customers at Patch Brewing Co. had cleared out but Clay was going to be there until 9:00 p.m., so Allison drove up there to keep him company. It turned out that there were three customers there in the evening, but we pretty much had the place to ourselves. It was Allison's first time out to a brewery, or anywhere, since she arrived here just two days before having the puppies. She met one of the customers and liked him well enough. 

Allison has generated some interest lately and has a meet and greet scheduled for Sunday that sounds pretty promising.

When her ears are in alert mode you could use the top of her head as a level.

The puppies spent most of the day outside because it was so nice today.
I didn't take any pictures but here's a door opening video.

1 comment:

Rhonda Lee said...

Loved reading the menu! Does Clay make all those beers? It's quite a selection!