Sunday, November 14, 2021

King Henry

I should have been calling him King Henry all along because that is pretty much how he acted around here. He certainly had a royal presence about him and has always acted like he owned the place. It didn't make him the easiest foster because his stubbornness had to be accommodated, but he is basically a sweet dog and he was totally devoted to me right from the start. 

King Henry got adopted today, to a home with a single man where he's the only dog. I think it's the perfect situation for him and his new owner has had Saints before and he has fostered dogs before, so hopefully he's prepared for Henry.

Back home, the puppies had three sets of visitors today, so it was a very busy afternoon. One of the groups was a family that may actually be interested in Allison, so they met her as well. Our two "special needs" pups have prospective adopters now, Sojo, who may or may not have digestive and growth issues, and Elliot, our deaf pup. I think we are down to just two puppies waiting to be matched with approved adopters. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Godspeed, King Henry. I hope you and your new boy have a long and happy life together.