Friday, November 5, 2021

Yet more puppy pics

I sort of feel like a salesman hawking a closeout item: They are only here for a limited time, a few more weeks, so we might as well get all the puppy pictures possible. Besides, that's pretty much my entire life these days so I don't have much of anything else to offer.

Eleanor's steel blue eyes are changing to grey and ultimately to what, black?

Sojo chasing Ruth, who has found the best leaf ever.

Susan B. pausing for a drink of water.

Ruth sitting on Harriett.

Sojo got held today while her siblings were eating kibble from the feeding trough.
Her weight has gone up a pound since switching her back to formula. 

Tomorrow I'll raise it up a bit and secure it better.

Malala has so much extra skin right now she almost looks like a Shar Pei. 
She will grow into it and fill it out.

The puppy pile is not a static thing, it's a process.

It was chilly this morning after their first outing and they formed
a puppy mountain rather than a pile. They were extra close and stacked up.

This evening they spread out to one level.

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