Sunday, May 15, 2022

Paisley and relationship advice

I don't know that I've ever given anyone relationship advice, but this is just common sense and it applies to everyone. If your new boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever wants you to give up your dog, keep the dog and dump the asshole instead. First, it's a huge red flag if your prospective partner doesn't like your dog. Second, the dog will be a far more loyal and devoted companion and already has the track record with you to prove it. Third, that's a level of pettiness and jealousy that you just don't need in your life and you will come to regret it. 

That's what happened to Paisley after being adopted from Green Dogs when she was a puppy. It would have been better to have returned the dog earlier because they dog they returned is a bit of a mess. She's very fearful and very under socialized. She's still wearing the leash she was returned with because I'm not about to reach down and grab her collar to take it off. She's that scared. I need to step on the leash in order to get hold of her, but once I do I am able to direct her where she needs to go, either outside, into the crate, or upstairs.

She's beginning to trust me, just a little, and I was finally able to touch her today. You can see that she wants to trust me, but she's not quite ready. Her fear is real and it is strong. Even when she is coming up to me, any sudden movement spooks her and sends her scurrying. This is the type of dog that needs the calming influence that Trooper had with new, scared fosters. He would communicate with them somehow that seemed to let them know that they had nothing to fear here.

I would love to have her out in Daneland with Sly and Tilly, but she won't overcome her fear out there so I'm keeping her in the house. She was fine bring crated last night. Della and I took her on a two mile hike Sunday afternoon. I had two leashes on her. We got home just in time to get everyone fed before the rain hit. She didn't eat this morning, but she did after the hike. 

She's going to be a bit of a project, but I have no doubt that she will come around. 


Anonymous said...

People are awful. I'm sure that Paisley will come around.

Byron's Mom said...

People make me sick. I'm so thankful she's with you! She will finally know that she is loved and that she can trust good people.

Anonymous said...

Gosh this makes me so angry! Paisley will find someone that deserves her. In the meantime, she's in good hands with you!.
