Saturday, January 13, 2024

Nice start to a long weekend

This is a long weekend for me and I have no real obligations. That's rare but rather nice. I made bacon and pancakes for breakfast, and then took Bailey and Elvis for a walk. I puttered around the yard some, mostly doing poop patrol, and then Clay and I went to town. It was a nice, easy, laid back kind of day. I didn't even look at my work email.

Oakley was scheduled to have a meeting and greet with a potential adopter last week. That's been postponed, however. She's got a big lump on her left front leg that needed to be looked at. It was looked at, x-rayed, poked, prodded, and thoroughly examined with no clear result. It doesn't bother her at all, she's still the lightest thing on four legs, skipping over the gaps in the board walk and flying across the yard with the greatest of ease, but still, it's a mystery and a bit concerning. Last I heard we were awaiting some test results hoping they would point at a more definitive diagnosis and treatment. For now, I'm just continuing to feed her and Paige three times a day in an effort to put some weight on them. They seem to be digesting the food well enough based on today's poop patrol, and they are spending more time indoors than out, so I think the weight gain will come. They are both still growing girls.

Dodger is scheduled to go to a new foster home next week. He's about reached maximum improvement around here. He needs to go someplace where he'll have more one-on-one attention. He's is a nice dog, loves to play with Bailey or the foster Danes, and he has learned the routines around here, but he still won't let anyone touch him if he can possibly avoid it. He needs to get over that but he needs a closer human/canine relationship than we can offer him here. 


Elvis and Bailey

Finally a pretty nice picture of Dodger.

This is Paige, but not a very good picture of her.

Candace and Dodger

Della, with Paisley behind the tree

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