Monday, January 15, 2024

Trio 3 - Silent Snow

Snow is the most picturesque form of precipitation, by far, and it's also the quietest. It discourages human activity; people tend to stay indoors and that alone eliminates much of the people noise. It also acts as an acoustic dampener; what sounds are being made experience a loss in amplitude and they don't travel as far. But I think the biggest reason that snow seems silent is the sense of peace it brings and awe that it inspires. Snow quiets the mind.

I sat around doing very little for much of the day and then got myself in gear for a walk just when the snow began. Della isn't crazy about the wet stuff but she was bored and didn't want to be left behind. Elvis didn't seem to mind it. Bailey had no experience with snow. She just wanted to go and and she was out front and encouraging me to move faster the whole way. We just went for two miles, but we all enjoyed it.

When we got home everyone had a very early dinner. No one objected to that but they may be expecting to eat again later. I had the foster Danes and Dodger out to run in the snow. Dodger would have stayed out longer but the skinny, short-coated Danes were ready to come back inside after a few good romps around the yard.

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