Friday, March 15, 2024

Warm, wet day

It didn't rain enough to add much to the already excessive accumulated rainfall, but it made everything wet again and refreshed the mud. I was busy with work all day and waited until it had rained before taking Norman, Bailey, and Ford out to the pasture to run. The grass was wet so the dogs got wet but they didn't mind at all. It's time to get the pasture cut, but it's too wet to have anyone bring in a tractor and bushhog. 

Ford (front) and Norman

Ford, Norman, Bailey

Ford and Norman ran. Bailey immediately went into hunting mode.
However, she doesn't seem to make any effort to actually locate her prey.
She likes to pounce and she does that at random places without any reason to believe there's a mouse or rat where she is pouncing.

Ford is a pretty thing.

While Bailey and Norman blend into the tall winter grass, 
Ford's color and markings are a sharp contrast.

Soggy Ford

Suddenly Bailey turned up with what appeared to be a deer bone in her mouth.
I don't know where she found it, and when I looked at it most closely, I'm not sure it's real.

Real or not, she treated it like a very valuable find.

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