Friday, January 17, 2025

And then there were two

Rogue got adopted today, leaving me with just two Marvel puppies, Elektra and Storm. I'm glad because I'm going to need to bring the remaining puppies into the house when the temperature takes a nosedive down to single digits next week, and two will be easier to manage inside than three. They didn't have a particular pup in mind so they came to meet them all. That's rather chaotic, of course. The three of them together are a pack of puppies and the word "uncivilized" comes to mind. However, there were three humans present, one per puppy, and when they pups are focused one-to-one on a single person, they are much calmer. Still, choosing a puppy among the three wasn't easy because they are all very similar in personality as well as appearance. In the end they went with Rogue because a choice had to be made, and Rogue seemed to be making the most effort to put herself forward. 

Afterwards I took everyone out to the pasture for a while, and later in the afternoon I took the new girl, Sweet Tart, on a two mile walk with Elvis. Sweet Tart was good last night. She spent the night in a crate in the office next to Bear. She is learning the stairs and the household routines and personalities. She can apparently get out of a four foot fence because she got out of the dog yard today but she wasn't trying to run off, I found her by the back door.

Norman arrived at his new home and everyone was happy. I hope that continues and that he's finally found his home. Things are different around here without him, as happens with any adoption or new foster coming in. New arrangements, alliances, and friendships will be formed, but there's always an adjustment period.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Rogue and Norman!