Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Jake the pug

Several people have asked about Jake, my mother's pug, as to how he's doing and where he will go. 

Jake is about 12 years old. My mother adopted him from the Salina animal shelter, I don't know how many years ago. He had been surrendered to the shelter after being attacked by the other dog in his prior home. They didn't want to pay the vet bill so they surrendered him and kept the dog who had attacked him. The animal shelter got him fixed up and a woman who worked there called my mother. Jake still had a lot of stitches in him when she took him home, but he recovered fully. 

He has been my mother's constant companion ever since and he was her most valued asset when she died. He's doing fine, although I do think he's missing my mother and feeling a bit lost and confused, especially now that we have been packing up all of the things from his world. 

He's going to live with my sister Paula in Montana. Paula has had a pug in the past but is completely dogless at the moment. Jake will be well loved. 

This little Maltese puppy is the only other dog living here at the moment. 
Jake likes her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that Jake will be happy and well-loved with Paula in Big Sky Country.