Wednesday, April 10, 2024


She's a 10 month old female German Shepherd Dog. I don't know much backstory and at 10 months of age, how much could there be? She's pretty, she seems sweet, very quick to warm up and trust, and she seems fine with other dogs. The most remarkable thing I can say about her so far is that she ate dinner this evening; no German Shepherd hunger strike from this girl.

She met Paisley when I got her out of the van. Then I started out with her in the a/c yard by herself at first, letting Della, Maya, Elvis, etc. meet her through the fence. Then I brought Ford over from Daneland and put them together. After a while moved Ford to the dog yard with Norman, fed everyone, and then brought Bailey to the a/c yard to be with Mercy. They've been together out there all evening, but will soon be bringing everyone in to go to bed. I think I'll put Mercy next to Ford in the kitchen crates and have Bailey back upstairs in the office tonight.

Ford gets along with absolutely everyone.

Look at the fur up on Bailey's back. I told her to take it down a notch or two.
Fortunately, Mercy didn't react badly at all.

Bailey needs to learn to accept incoming female dogs. Mercy being young, without the innate female shepherd bitchiness being fully developed yet, made for a good experience for them both.


Anonymous said...

She's gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty girl!