Today I took Anna, Patch, Ochie, and Chloe to a VGSR adoption event up in Purcellville, VA. It was a new venue for me although they've been doing adoption days there for a while now. I've never gone because it's a 2.5 hour drive each way, but it was worth the trip.
It was Anna's first adoption event. Although she gets along well with other dogs here at home, she snarled at dogs that approached her today, even those dogs she lives with here. It was out of character for her and I have to attribute it to nerves and anxiety. She also wouldn't let me out of her sight, so she was scared and nervous but she was fine with people and overall did very well.
Even though she's still painfully thin, it seems that this dog can not take a bad picture.

It was a very good day for Chloe, although she might not have realized it at the time. She met a very nice new family. They lived very nearby so she and I went to their place after we left the adoption event. They've got a year old boxer/St. Bernard mix, two children, a cat, a nice home, and a huge fenced back yard. Having raised that pup, who is still chewing things up when they leave him home alone, I can't think that Chloe is going to give them any problems they can't handle. I left her with them, and although I always hold my breath for the first few days after a new adoption, I can't imagine a better home for her and she really is an easy dog to integrate into a new home. She was pretty anxious today too and stuck to me closely, but I think she will adapt and adjust quickly.

Ochie may have hit the jackpot today too. A man stopped by who had lost a dog to cancer some time ago. That dog had been a husky mix, so Ochie's appearance and energy level was attractive to him. Ochie's energy is too much for me, but this guy has some land and a 20-something son who lives with him. Between the two of them someone is home most of the time. The son was working in the shopping center where we were so he came over and the two of them spent some time with Ochie and very interested in him.

Patch enjoyed the event as he always does, soaking up the love and attention from everyone he met.
He's looking and smelling better all the time, so I really hope we are getting things under control. Even those patches of leather-like, elephant skin on his rear end are beginning to look better and cover up with some fur.
1 comment:
If these people don't want Ochie, don't forget that Franklin is 1/2 Husky too. You'll know it when he howls.
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